Was Gwen Ifill tipping her hand? (UPDATED)

Fox News Channel

Source: Fox News Channel


UPDATED:  “Do you trust the objectivity of Gwen ifill?”  Well, she’s been cleared, you know?  😉

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UPDATED:  “Getting an Ifill of Bias?”  😉

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UPDATED:  IowaHawk is reporting that Ifill has been cleared of having committed any wrong.  IowaHawk just forgot to mention that Chris Matthews’ leg occupies its own place on the commission.  😉

On a more serious note, Michelle Malkin has written the Obudsman at PBS to get their take on Ifill’s obvious finanacial and idealogical conflict of interest in tonight’s debate.  I can’t wait to read their response.

Liz Cox Barrett at the Columbia Journalism Review gives us her analysis of Ifill moderating the debate, given everything that we now know.  Oh.  And, no, Ifill does not plan on stepping down from her position as moderator tonight, as Liz’s update indicates.

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Interesting.  Jim Meyers points out a discussion hosted by Ifill on PBS’s Washington Week on 9/5/08:

Ifill tipped her hand when she hosted a discussion on PBS’ “Washington Week” on Sept. 5, after the close of the Republican convention that nominated Palin.

Ifill showed a video showing Palin saying, “Here’s a little news flash for those reporters and commentators: I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion, I’m going to Washington to serve the people of this great country.”

Ifill sniped: “Wow, was she talking about us, or just changing the subject?”

She was talking about you and your biased commrades in the MSM, the ones that print only what suits their agenda, Gwen.  I hope that helps.

Jim notes something else said by Ifill in that discussion:

Later Ifill said about Palin: “Lots of talk about, what, gutting caribou or whatever — I shouldn’t say it this way — gutting caribou in Alaska, which I’m sure is a fine, fine thing to do.” That drew laughter from the audience. “What I’m just saying, we heard a lot more about what Sarah Palin did for sport or what she did as a mother or what she did — than what she did as a governor actually, the actual policy decisions.”

Ifill also raised this point: “This is a weird question, but what don’t we know about Sarah Palin?”

Okay.  I could joke about us knowing more “about Sarah Palin” than the Commission on Presidential Debates knew about your pro-Obama book.  But, I shouldn’t.  ‘Cause, Gwen’s like “a real, live journalistor something.  One must remain tolerant, no?  We wouldn’t want to give the impression that she’s a “hack” or something.  😉

It is so hard to keep up with all of these people that are in the tank or in the bag or whatever it is these days.  Gwen Ifill wants more on “policy decisions” and her “brilliant baby cousin“, Sherrilyn Ifill, wants Gov. Palin to relate more to the “average working mom.”  Which is it, ladies?  You can’t even come to a concensus in your own family. 

Like Jim Geraghty, I just don’t anticipate much scrutiny of Joe Biden in the VP debate tonight by Gwen ifill.  What are the chances that she will ask Joe if he really knows when FDR was president?  Slim to none, I would say. 😉

Joe Biden honestly believes that the decision in Roe vs. Wade is “as close to a consensus that can exist in a society as heterogeneous as ours.”

Were Ifill not on the take, a decent question would be, “Senator Biden, are you really completely unaware of the raging abortion debate in this country for the past thirty-five years? If this is “consensus,” what would “division” look like? By your standards, did this nation have a “mild disagreement” over secession from 1861 to 1865?”

Support for Roe v. Wade has ranged from 62 to 49 percent since 1973; opposition has ranged from 28 to 48 percent. One third of Democrats oppose it.

Rob Huddleston shows us something about his favorite VP debate in recent times.  Feel free to join Rob in watching and yelling, about “the fix” in the debate tonight.  Even if they do have a debate watching party in my county, I will probably still watch it at home.  There’s no line at the bathroom.  😉

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Others posting on this topic:  BUUUUURRRRNING HOT, Right Angles, The Florida Patriot, Riggword Weblog

Published in: on October 2, 2008 at 1:14 pm  Comments (3)  
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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Gwenn Ifill is a shill for the left. She may be even a racisit. This is glaring evidence on how the Democrat machine has taken over the major media. It’s “cool” to be a socialist.

  2. Hey, Mick. What is a “racisit”? I hope you are as vigilant about Brokaw as you are about Ifill.

  3. […] for the DNC and Obama this election cycle.  We already knew going into the only VP debate that the moderator was in the tank for Obama.  And, remember Chris Matthews calling Sarah Palin “a […]

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